Great Blog! Look forward to seeing much more on here in the near future. Have never read or used a blog before but has great potential. Best of luck to you all and remember, we will be praying for you.
If you would like to buy a share of the cafes, hit the link below, and designate funds for LSP Cafe. All monies will go directly into paying expenses for the Cafe business. A non-profit organization, Mano con Mano Health Reach, will administrate the distribution of the funds to cafe founders. JustGive will send you a tax deductible receipt.
Please make checks payable to: Christian Life Center Include a note designating: Cafe Ministry Fund c/o Mano con Mano Health Reach PO Box 1369 Freeland, WA 98249
Great Blog! Look forward to seeing much more on here in the near future. Have never read or used a blog before but has great potential. Best of luck to you all and remember, we will be praying for you.